Optional ANN-BUS devices available for the FACP include annunciators, relay modules and printer connection for acquiring hardcopy printouts of panel data. Pressing 1 while viewing Programming Screen #3 will cause the control panel to display the following screens.
An ANN-S/PG Printer module, ANN-I/O module, ANN-80 LCD annunciator module, ANN- RLY relay module and ANN-LED module can be installed in the FACP. These devices communicate with the FACP over the ANN-BUS terminals on the control panel. ANN-BUS Enabled
The ANN-BUS must be enabled if any modules are installed on the ANN-BUS terminals. To enable the ANN-BUS, press 1 while viewing ANN-BUS screen #1 so that the display reads ANN-BUS Enabled Yes. Each press of the 1 key will cause the display to toggle between ANN- BUS Enabled Yes and ANN-BUS Enabled No.