Trouble Operation

Operating Instructions

Note: To ensure that the system is functioning properly, the FACP will perform a freeze check five minutes after the panel is reset, followed by a maintenance check. If there is no freeze or maintenance condition, the panel will continue to monitor for freeze conditions every hour and maintenance conditions every four hours.

4.4 Trouble Operation

With no alarms in the system, the detection of a trouble will cause the following:

The piezo to pulse 1 second On and 1 second Off

The system Trouble indicator to flash one second On and one second Off

The output circuits programmed as Trouble Bell NAC to activate

The trouble relay to activate

TROUBL with device type, noun/adjective, address and trouble description will appear on the LCD display

The same message, along with the time and date, is sent to the optional printer and the history buffer.

Note that specific troubles will initiate additional actions; for example, loss of AC power will turn off the AC Power indicator, etc.

Input Zone

For Input Zones, the following is a typical message that could appear on the LCD display for a device trouble:


ZONE 1 OPEN FAULT 10:00A 030806

The information displayed in the above example provides the following information:

First line in display:

The type of event; in this example OPEN indicating a circuit trouble

Device type identifier; in this example, PULL STATION indicates a manual device. Other device type identifiers which can be displayed include 2-WIRE SMOKE for Smoke Detector, 2-WIRE HEAT for Heat Detector, etc.

Second line in display:

<ADJ>; refers to the user programmed adjective descriptor from library list resident in the control panel or custom entry via PC.

<NOUN>; refers to the user programmed noun descriptor from library list resident in the control panel or custom entry via PC.

Third line in display indicates Zone and the fault condition. Other possible troubles include:

OPEN - indicating an open circuit

DIRTY - maintenance alert indicating that a detector is near but below the allowed alarm limit and is in need of maintenance before the performance is compromised

Fourth line in display:

Time; the current time in this example is 10:00A which represents 10:00 AM

Date; the current month, day and year in this example is 03 for March, 08 for the 8th day of the month and 06 for the year 2006

MRP-2001 & MRP-2001E PN 53040:A 4/16/2007