Thermal/Mechanical Reference Design
To develop a reliable,
2.5Thermal/Mechanical Reference Design Considerations
2.5.1Heatsink Solutions Design Considerations
To remove the heat from the processor, three basic parameters should be considered:
•The area of the surface on which the heat transfer takes place - Without any enhancements, this is the surface of the processor package IHS. One method used to improve thermal performance is by attaching a heatsink to the IHS. A heatsink can increase the effective heat transfer surface area by conducting heat out of the IHS and into the surrounding air through fins attached to the heatsink base.
•The conduction path from the heat source to the heatsink fins - Providing a direct conduction path from the heat source to the heatsink fins and selecting materials with higher thermal conductivity typically improves heatsink performance. The length, thickness, and conductivity of the conduction path from the heat source to the fins directly impact the thermal performance of the heatsink. In particular, the quality of the contact between the package IHS and the heatsink base has a higher impact on the overall thermal solution performance as processor cooling requirements become strict. Thermal interface material (TIM) is used to fill in the gap between the IHS and the bottom surface of the heatsink, and thereby improves the overall performance of the thermal stackup
•The heat transfer conditions on the surface on which heat transfer takes place - Convective heat transfer occurs between the airflow and the surface exposed to the flow. It is characterized by the local ambient temperature of the air,
TLA, and the local air velocity over the surface. The higher the air velocity over the surface, the resulting cooling is more efficient. The nature of the airflow can also enhance heat transfer via convection. Turbulent flow can provide improvement over laminar flow. In the case of a heatsink, the surface exposed to the flow includes the fin faces and the heatsink base.
An active heatsink typically incorporates a fan that helps manage the airflow through the heatsink.
Passive heatsink solutions require
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