The data path to the 2117s is through two sets of buffers to account for memory being off board. To determine bus timing it is helpful to know that Write data is not guaranteed to be valid from the BOB5A until 40 ns after the leading edge of the write control signal. On account of this and the delay times for the buffers it i~ecessary to delay the cycle request on a write until the WR signal goes low. The solution shown still does not require wait states. An inhibit memory signal is also involved. This is useful when using memory address space overlap such as the case with bootstrap ROM (which would be necessary in this system if a full 64K of dynamic RAM is used).
Dynamic RAMs are generally refreshed in two different modes; burst (Le., all at once every 2 ms) and distributed (one row every (2 ms/number of rows) period of time). The schematic shown provides for a distributed refresh where refresh requests are applied to the Hold request input of the BOB5A (not shown). This signal needs to occur at least once every 15 jJsec ((2ms/12B rows to be refreshed) - HOLD to HLDA delay) and can be generated through a baud rate timing chain, Intel 3222, one shots or other similar devices. Another approach to refresh could qualify the refresh cycles with program fetch cycles (use status lines). If program mem- ory is in static RAM or ROM and the dynamic RAM bus can be isolated, refresh cycles can be performed with no over- head. Instead of using the HOLD feature of the BOB5A, refresh can be hidden in the program fetch and decode. Further considerations for refresh include proper handling of resets and excessive hold times from other peripherals to be certain the memory is being refreshed adequately.
Some applications don'trequire high CPU efficiency and re- quire a very inexpensive method to refresh their dynamic RAM. Since writing, reading or performing special refresh cycles all refresh a particular row, why not do "dummy" reads to refresh? To use this technique memory must be mapped on a one to one correspondence with the address space. This will allow the programmer to read one byte in each physical row in the 2117s, thereby refreshing that row. A simple software routine can be devised to refresh 16K bytes of RAM. If more dynamic RAM than this is desired it can be accomplished by specially enabling all the desired RAS sig- nals via an BOB5A output port. First let'sanalyze how many CPU cycles are available in the 2ms period:
2ms/(320 ns/cycle) = 6,250 cycles for BOB5A@ 3.125 MHz 2ms/(200 ns/cycle) = 10,000 cycles for BOB5A-2@5.0 MHz
If there is a convenient component that can count BOB5A cycles (BOB5A CLKOUT) and interrupt the BOB5A, you're home free. An example of such a device is the B155 in the MCS-B5 family. On the B155 one can use the TO (timer out) pin to interrupt the CPU everytime a refresh needs to be performed and an interrupt service routine could dummy read 12B consecutive locations and return to CPU operation. (12B reads are necessary to completely refresh the full 16K bytes of 2117 memory.) The highest priority interrupt should be used for this to insure that refresh occurs. Figure 11 is an example program to perform this burst dummy read refresh. This routine basically uses 64 pops of the stack, each reading two consecutive locations in the memory. Note that this rou- tine destroys the contents of registers B, C and D in the BOB5A. The user may want to save these registers in the routine before performing the software refresh. If memory space is more valuable than CPU efficiency, the POPs can be performed in a loop instead of a string, saving additional memory.
This routine requires 690 cycles which is about 11 % of the available BOB5A CPU cycles, or 7% of the available BOB5A- 2 cycles. If this is acceptable and there is a counter available, you can'tfind a cheaper way to do refresh. Note that as processor speeds become faster, this overhead becomes proportionately less and more attractive as an alternative. Again, as with any refresh routine, reset and excessive holds must be dealt with to guarantee proper refresh.
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
DMA is becoming more common in the microcomputer sys- tem for many applications. Some examples include the B271 floppy disk controller and refreshing a CRT via an B275 CRT Controller. It is always helpful to reduce the overhead of the DMA (as DMA can tie up the system bus) whenever possible. In many applications, where program memory is resident in ROM or PROM, DMA cycles can be performed in coincidence with op code fetch. This will make them invisible to the CPU as described for Refresh in the Refresh section of the 2117 dynamic RAM example.
In the dynamic Ram system, Refresh requests can be made on the DMA controller via the DRO lines, with the B237 in a rotating priority mode to insure refreshing is done. Another technique would be to devise an arbiter for DMA and refresh requests at the processor hold in- put. With this technique the designer must not allow DMA to monopolize the bus when refresh is needed.