MP Configuration Table
Since all device settings must fall within supported System Address Space mapping for a given bus in order to be usable by the operating system, buses that do not support dynamically configurable devices (i.e., ISA, EISA) should support all possible addresses to that bus.
In general, the MP configuration table must provide entries to describe system address space mappings for all I/O buses present in the system. There are two exceptions to this rule:
1.For buses that are connected via
2.For buses that are connected via a parent I/O bus and for which the subtractive decode bit is set (refer to Section 4.4.2 for details).
Typically, this would mean that a minimal description of resources allocated to PCI buses in a system need only include System Address Space Mapping entries for PCI bus zero and any additional peer PCI buses (if present) where these buses are connected by PCI bridges that are specific to the chipset or host bus.
System Address Mappings are unidirectional in nature. They only describe system addresses that propagate to the target bus from any given processor. For DMA support on the target bus, all memory addresses that contain real memory should be accessible directly by either the bus or by a
4.4.2 Bus Hierarchy Descriptor Entry
If present, Bus Hierarchy Descriptor entries define how I/O buses are connected relative to each other in a system with more than one I/O bus. Bus Hierarchy Descriptors are used to supplement System Address Mapping entries to describe how addresses propagate to particular buses in systems where address decoding cannot be completely described by System Address Space Mapping entries alone.
In general, entries of this type are required for each bus that is connected to the system hierarchically below another I/O bus. The one exception to this is for PCI buses that are connected behind a PCI to PCI bridge specification compliant bridge. In this case the bus hierarchy entry may be omitted as the operating system is expected to discover such buses without the need to refer to the configuration table. Since bus hierarchy descriptor and system address space records are intended to work in concert, the configuration table may chose to omit both types of records for a bus behind a compliant bridge or it may provide both. The table must not however provide one without the other for buses behind compliant bridges. For example, given the system described in Figure
space records must also be provided.
The Bus Hierarchy entry provides information about where in a hierarchical connection scheme a given bus is connected and the type of address decoding performed for that bus. Figure
Version 1.4 |