selecting a startup state, 68 setting print queue limits, 68 setting up the log file, 44
setting print queue limits, 68 settings
calibration, changing, 87 print jobs, 48
sharing the server’s source folder (MACINTOSH), 18
sharpening images, 56, 118 source folder, selecting, 44 starting
Calibration application, 75 Configuration application, 25
Print Server application, 41
starting point for calibration, selecting, 78 startup state, selecting for print server, 68 Status bar
Calibration application, 76
showing or hiding, 76 Configuration application, 26
showing or hiding, 26 Print Server application, 42 showing and hiding, 42
status of printer and media, 36
suspending printing, 64 system requirements
port monitor and drivers, 5
target. see Calibration target, 79 test print, 38
time and date, setting, 28 tolerance level for calibration, 93 Tool bar
Calibration application, 76
showing or hiding, 76 using, 76
Print Server application, 43 showing and hiding, 43 using, 43
troubleshooting, 124
unattended printing, 66 usage of printer, checking, 37 Utility bar, 21
turning on and off, 21
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