P4EQ (Parametric 4band EQ)
Fc1 (Band1 Cutoff [Hz]) | ............... 20... | 1.0kHz | Sets the center frequency of Band 1 | ||
Q1 | (Q) ............................................. | 0.5... | 10.0 | Sets the bandwidth of Band 1 | |
G1 | (Gain [dB])............................. | +18dB | Sets the gain of Band 1 | ||
Fc2 (Band2 Cutoff [Hz]) | ............... 50... | 5.0kHz | Sets the center frequency of Band 2 | ||
Q2 | (Q) ............................................. | 0.5... | 10.0 | Sets the bandwidth of Band 2 | |
G2 | (Gain [dB])............................. | +18dB | Sets the gain of Band 2 | ||
Fc3 (Band3 Cutoff [Hz]) | ........... 300... | 10.0kHz | Sets the center frequency of Band 3 | ||
Q3 | (Q) ............................................. | 0.5... | 10.0 | Sets the bandwidth of Band 3 | |
G3 | (Gain [dB])............................. | +18dB | Sets the gain of Band 3 | ||
Fc4 (Band4 Cutoff [Hz]) | ........... 500... | 20.0kHz | Sets the center frequency of Band 4 | ||
Q4 | (Q) ............................................. | 0.5... | 10.0 | Sets the bandwidth of Band 4 | |
G4 | (Gain [dB])............................. | +18dB | Sets the gain of Band 4 | ||
Trim ..................................................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the parametric EQ input level | ||
Exctr (Exciter)
Blend (Exciter Blend) .................. | ... | +100 | Sets the intensity (depth) of the Exciter | |
| effect |
Empha (Emphatic Point) ..................... | 0... | 140 | Sets the frequency range to be empha- | |
| sized |
EQ Trim ............................................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the EQ input level | |
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB])......... | +15dB | Sets the gain of Low EQ | ||
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB])........ | +15dB | Sets the gain of High EQ |
This produces a wah effect. It can be controlled using an expression pedal.
FcBtm (Frequency Bottom)................. | 0... | 100 | Sets the lower limit of the wah center fre- |
| quency |
FcTop (Frequency Top) ....................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the upper limit of the wah center |
| frequency |
*Mode (Sweep Mode).................... | Auto, Pedal | Switches between | |
| trol |
LFOlvl (LFO Level) ............................. | 0... | 100 | Sets the LFO level that is added to con- |
| trol |
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz]) .... | 0.02...20.0Hz | Sets the LFO speed | |
Reso (Resonance) .............................. | 0... | 100 | Sets the resonance amount |
LPF (LPF) ........................................... | Off, On | Switches the wah low pass filter on and | |
| off |
If you wish to use an expression pedal to control the Wah, select “Pedal” (→ p.141).
This is a filter with resonance, whose frequency can be moved by an envelope.
Type (Filter Type)..................... | LPF, BPF, HPF | Selects the filter type | |
Sens (Sensitivity) ................................ | 0... | 100 | Sets the sensitivity |
Attack (Attack)..................................... | 1... | 100 | Sets the attack level |
Manual (Manual) ................................. | 0... | 100 | Sets the frequency to which the effect is |
| applied |
Reso (Resonance) .............................. | 0... | 100 | Sets the resonance amount |
Polrty (Polarity) ........................................ | +, – | Sets the polarity |
AmpSim (AmpSimulator)
This effect simulates the acoustical characteristics of a guitar amp. Even if you are recording your instrument via a direct line, you can produce a realistic sound as though a guitar amp were actually being used.
Type (Amplifier Type)....................... | AMP1...5 Selects the type of guitar amplifier |
CabRes (CabinetResonator)
This effect simulates the acoustical characteristics and cabinet resonances of a guitar amp speaker cabinet.
The “AmpSimulator” is ideal for direct recording.
Type (Cabinet Type) | .................. 1 | ⋅ | 8, | 1 ⋅ | 10, Selects the type of cabinet | |
| 1 ⋅ |
| 12, | 2 ⋅ | 12, |
| 4 ⋅ | 10, 4 ⋅ | 12 |
| ||
Depth................................................... |
| 0... | 100 | Sets the depth of the effect | |
This effect simulates the tone control section of a guitar amp. It allows you to adjust the character of the vacuum tubes.
Bass (Bass) ......................................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the |
Middle (Middle).................................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the |
Treble (Treble)...................................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the |
Tube (Tube Type) ................... | SS, | Character of the vacuum tubes in the | |
| power amp section of the guitar amp |
This effect models the speaker cabinet of a guitar amp.
Type (CabinetType) | .................................... *1 | Cabinet type |
Air .......................................................... | Models the effect of the air | |
Level ...................................................... | Output level | |
Presnc (Presence)............................... | 0...100 |
*1: 1x8TW(Tweed), 1x12T(Tweed), 1x12B(Black), 1x12V(Vox), 2x12B(Black), 2x12V(Vox), 2x12C(ClassicA), 4x10T(Tweed), 4x12C(Classic), 4x12V(Vintage), 4x12M(Modern), FullR(FullRange)
Thrshl (Threshold) ............................... | 0... | 127 | Sets the level at which the effect begins |
| to apply |
Attack (Attack) ..................................... | 1... | 100 | Sets the attack time |
Relse (Release)................................... | 1... | 100 | Sets the release time |
Respo (Response) .............................. | 1... | 100 | Sets the speed at which the effect will |
| respond to change in the input |
DeEss (Deesser)
This effect attenuates unwanted sibilants in a vocal signal.
Sense (Sensitivity)............................... |
| 0... | 100 | Sets the sensitivity | |
Fc (Side Band EQ fc) ............... | 500... | 20.0kHz | Sets the center frequency of the side | ||
| band EQ |
Q (Side Band EQ Q)........................... |
| 0.5... | 10 | Sets the bandwidth of the side band EQ | |
Gain (Side Band EQ Gain) ......... | +18dB | Sets the gain of the side band EQ | |||
Ratio (Ratio) ..................... | 1.0:1... | 50.0:1, Inf:1 | Sets the signal compression ratio | ||
Thrsh (Threshold [dB]) ................... | 0dB | Sets the level above which the compres- | |||
| sor is applied |
Attck (Attack) ....................................... |
| 1... | 100 | Sets the attack time | |
Relse (Release)................................... |
| 1... | 100 | Sets the release time | |
Level (Gain Adjust [dB])...... | +24dB | Sets the output gain | |||
Cho/Fl (Chorus/Flanger)
This effect gives a sense of pitch movement and depth to the sound. Adjusting the delay time will change the effect signifi- cantly.
DTime (Delay Time) .................. | 0.0... | 50.0ms | Sets the delay time | |
LFO (LFO Waveform) ....................... | TRI, SIN | Selects LFO Waveform | ||
*Speed (LFO Frequency) .......... | 0.02... | 20.0Hz | Sets the LFO speed | |
*Depth (Depth) ...................................... | 0 | ...100 | Sets the depth of LFO modulation | |
Fdback (Feedback)...................... | +100 | Sets the feedback amount | ||
Trim (EQ Trim) ..................................... | 0... | 100 | Sets the EQ input level | |
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB]) ........ | +15dB | Sets the gain of Low EQ | ||
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB]) ....... | +15dB | Sets the gain of High EQ | ||
Mode (Output Mode) ............... | Normal, Invert | Selects the output mode for the chorus/ | ||
| flanger |