Move to the beginning of the song, and press the [PLAY] key to play back the song. The rhythm pattern and tempo will change according to the tempo maps that you created.

You can also check the tempo maps in the [SONG] “SelSong” tab page.

If you want to record the sound of the rhythm as played by the tempo maps you created, refer to “3. Recording the rhythm” (→ p.48).

Editing a tempo map

If you increase the number of measures, the measure numbers of subsequent tempo maps will move backward by the corresponding length. If you decrease the number of measures, the measure numbers of subsequent tempo maps will move forward by the corresponding length.

Display the tempo map list, and check the tempo map.

Adding a tempo map to insert a rhythm pattern

If you want to create a new tempo map, press the “Insert” button.

A tempo map will be inserted at the specified measure, and the measure numbers of subsequent tempo maps will move backward by the corresponding number of measures.

1Check the location at which you want to insert the tempo map.

Display the tempo map list, and check the current tempo map. In this example, we will insert a tempo map at the beginning of the song.

2Create a new tempo map.

Select the “NEW” button and press the [ENTER] key to open the dialog box.

Set the parameters.



1Select the tempo map that you want to edit.

Display the tempo map list, and select the tempo map that you want to edit.

2Edit the settings.

• Select the “Edit” button. A dialog box will appear.

Turn the “Insert” button “On,” and press the [YES/ OK] key.

3Verify that the tempo map was inserted correctly.

Display the tempo map list, and check the tempo map.

Overwriting a tempo map

If you want to add a tempo map to replace the rhythm pattern, turn off the “Insert” button when you create the new tempo map.

• Edit the parameters, and press the [YES/OK] key.

3Verify that you have made the settings you want.