6: Remote System Control
that Button Key has been defined with “Confirm”, a confirmation dialog box pops up before the keycode is sent.
Other Remote Console Functions
Other remote console functions are described in this section. For example, monitor only specifications, exclusive access, capture of the screen to the clipboard and refreshing the video.
Monitor Only
When Options > Monitor Only is checked, the keyboard and mouse are disabled for this Remote Console window. The Monitor Only state is shown in the lower right corner of the Remote Console status bar. The user must have the appropriate permissions to change this setting.
Exclusive Access
When Options > Exclusive Access is checked, no other client may open a Remote Console window to this Spider device. Any open Remote Console windows on other clients will be disconnected. The Exclusive Access state is shown in the lower right corner of the Remote Console status bar. The user must have the appropriate permissions to change this setting.
Screenshot to Clipboard
Options > Screenshot captures a snapshot of the entire target system’s virtual screen to the clipboard for pasting into other applications.
Refresh Video
The entire Remote Console viewport area is redrawn when the Remote Console window is first opened, and when the Auto Adjust Video button is clicked. As the encoding settings and noise filter may sometimes result in visible compression artifacts, selecting Options > Refresh Video can be used to redraw the entire viewport area.
In addition to interacting with the target system using the KVM Console, the Spider device also allows text communication with the target via the Telnet Console, also a Java program window. Telnet and SSH are network protocols that enable a tunnel from the client system to the Spider device serial port. Once set up, it may be accessed through the web interface at the Telnet Console window, or using a Telnet/SSH client to connect directly. Note that Telnet/SSH cannot be used to connect to the Spider device itself in order to control it, as the device has an HTTP and not a command line interface.
The Telnet Console is a Java program and has the same Java Runtime Environment requirements as the Remote Console. When the Telnet Console window is open, the user at the client system can send and receive characters directly to the serial port.
Set up and Enable
To use Telnet or SSH, the serial port must be put in passthrough mode with the appropriate connection parameters and cabling with Telnet and/or SSH access allowed. If desired, the TCP
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