Allows subscribers to retrieve messages from any touch-tone phone on
the premises or from a remote location. And the system informs
subscribers how many of these messages are new and how many are
old (previously saved) messages.
Allows subscribers to forward messages with comment to one or more
mailboxes on the system.
Allows System Managers to implement the language that subscribers
choose for their own mailbox use.
Allows subscribers to have the system “outcall” a specific telephone or
pager number according to a predefine schedule whenever a new
message is received. (Note that this feature is available to subscribers
only when it is administered for them by their System Manager.)
Provides after-hours service in addition to daytime service.
Outcalling, Automated Attendant Announcements, and Message Forward
features are introduced with this new release of PARTNER MAIL VS. The
ability to expand the standard 2-port, 10-mailbox configuration to any one
of three other configurations with the installation of the appropriate
Mailbox Expansion Card is also a new feature of Release 4.
In addition, the voice messaging system offers a built-in Tutor feature, which is
discussed in the next section.