Line ownership typically is assigned to personal lines or to lines to be used for
outside access to the voice messaging system when Automated Attendant
Service is not used. (Lines in the system can be assigned either Line Coverage
or Automated Attendant Service coverage—a single line cannot be assigned
both types of coverage.)
Voice Mailbox Transfer
A Voice Mailbox Transfer button can be programmed on a user’s phone to
transfer callers directly to a subscriber’s mailbox without ringing the extension
first. This feature is useful when a user is handling calls for a subscriber who is
not at his or her desk.
Voice Mail Service
This service allows subscribers to manage their own mailboxes. With it, a
subscriber can:
Listen to messages, then save or delete them.
Record a personal greeting (in Bilingual Mode, the user may record his
or her personal greeting in both the Primary and Secondary Languages)
Change the default password for his or her mailbox to ensure that
messages are kept confidential.
Forward messages with comment to another subscriber’s mailbox
Have the system outcall a specified telephone or pager number
according to a predefined schedule whenever a new message is
Transfer to another extension or to the receptionist’s extension.
A subscriber’s extension number and mailbox number are the same. When a
caller leaves a message, the voice messaging system places the message in
the subscriber’s mailbox and turns on the message light (if available) at the
subscriber’s phone. If the subscriber has Outcalling privileges, the system will
call the programmed telephone or pager number if the message is received
during the hours specified in the subscriber’s Outcalling schedule and
Outcalling is turned on.
Subscribers can retrieve messages at their convenience from any touch-tone
phone either while on-site or from an off-site location. The system informs
subscribers of the number of new and old (saved) messages in their mailboxes,
and plays new messages first. Subscribers can refer to Using PARTNER MAIL
VS® for instructions on recording a personal greeting, changing a password,
forwarding a message, specifying a telephone or pager number and schedule
for Outcalling, and performing other Voice Mail Service procedures.
Voice Mail Service also allows the System Manager to program the voice
messaging system. See “Voice Messaging System Programming” in Chapter 3
for more information.