CLI Commands
6\QWD[ frus
3XUSRVH This command displays information about all FRUs.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has no parameters.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> show frus
2XWSXW The FRU information is displayed as a table that includes the
following properties.
FRU The FRU name.
If a FRU is not installed on a Sphereon 3016,
3216, 3032, 3232, or an Intrepid 6064, the
output in this column is NotInstalled.
If a FRU is not installed on a Sphereon 4500
or an Intrepid 6140, the output in this column
is the name of the missing FRU or Unknown.
Position The relative position of the FRU, that is, its slot.
State The state of the FRU. Values are:
Activethe current module is active.
Backupthis module is not currently being
used, but it is available for immediate failover.
NotInstthe module is not currently installed.
Failedthe current module is failed.
Serial Num The serial number of the FRU. (This field is
blank for power supply modules of the
Sphereon 4500.)
Part Num The part number of the FRU.
Beacon The beaconing state of the FRU (On or Off).
Pwr On Hrs The power-on hours value for the FRU.