P/N 620-000134-500 McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL
Wwarning message Indication that a possible error has been detected. See also error
message; information message.
world wide name Eight byte identifier uniquely assigned to a switch or to a node (end
device), even on global networks.
WWN See world wide name.
Zzone A set of devices that can access one another. All connected devices
may be configured into one or more zones. Devices in the same zone
can see each other. Those devices that occupy different zones cannot.
zone member The specification of a device to be included in a zone. A zone member
can be identified by the port number of the director to which it is
attached or by its world-wide name. In multiswitch fabrics,
identification of end-devices and nodes by world-wide name is
zone set A collection of zones that may be activated as a unit.
zoning Grouping of several devices by function or by location. All devices
connected to a connectivity product, such as the director, may be
configured into one or more zones. See also zone.