CLI Commands
3XUSRVH This command shows the port configuration for all ports.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has no parameters.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> show port config
2XWSXW The port configuration attributes are displayed as a table that
includes the following properties.
2XWSXW([DPSOH The output from the show.port.config command displays as follows.
Port Name Blocked Ext Dist Type Speed
---- ------------------------ ------- -------- ----- ---------
0 Port 1 false Off fPort 1 Gb/sec
1 Port 2 true On fPort 1 Gb/sec
2 Port 3 false Off gPort 1 Gb/sec
3 Port 4 false Off fPort 2 Gb/sec
4 Port 5 true On fPort 2 Gb/sec
5 Port 6 false Off fPort 2 Gb/sec
6 Port 7 true On fPort 1 Gb/sec
7 Port 8 false Off fPort Negotiate
8 Port 9 false On fPort 1 Gb/sec
9 Port A false Off fPort 1 Gb/sec
10 Port B false Off fPort 2 Gb/sec
11 Port C false Off fPort 2 Gb/sec
12 Port D false Off fPort 1 Gb/sec
13 Port E false Off fPort 1 Gb/sec
14 Port F false Off fPort 1 Gb/sec
15 Port X false Off fPort 1 Gb/sec
Port The port number.
Name The name of the port as set in the
config.port.name command.
Blocked The blocked state of the port as set in the
config.port.blocked command.
Ext Dist The extended distance state as set in the
config.port.extDist command. (This does not
apply to the Sphereon 4500.)
FAN The configured fabric address notification
(FAN) state. (Sphereon 4500 only.)
Type The port type as set in the config.port.type
Speed The port speed as set in the config.port.speed