Error Messages
Error Messages
Message Error 154: Invalid Membership List WWN
Description The request cannot be completed because the WWN does not exist in
the switch binding membership list.
Action Make sure that the WWN deleted matches the WWN in the switch
membership list. Make appropriate changes and re-submit the
Message Error 155: Cannot Remove Active Member From List
Description This member cannot be removed from the fabric security list because
it is currently logged in.
Action Fabric security rules prohibit any device or switch from being
isolated from the fabric via a membership list change. If it is truly the
intention of the user to remove the device in question from the
membership list, then there are several approaches to take. This
request may be completed most non-disruptively by blocking the
port (or physically removing the device from the managed switch) to
which this device is attached and resubmitting the request.
Message Error 156: Cannot Disable Fabric Binding while Switch is Online
Description The switch must be offline before Fabric Binding can be deactivated.
Action Deactivating fabric binding is disruptive to Fabric operations. Set the
switch offline before deactivating this feature.
Message Error 201: Change Authorization Request Failed
Description The switch did not accept the request to make a change to NVRAM.
Action Be sure all parameters have been entered correctly and re-submit.
Contact your service representative with further problems.