2CLI Commands
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-300
FRQILJVZLWFKSome of the config.switch commands require that the switch be set
offline. (Use the maint.system.setOnlineState to set the switch
offline.) If these commands are entered while the switch is online, an
error message results.
3XUSRVH This command sets the buffer-to-buffer credit value for all ports,
except those ports configured for extended distance. (The Sphereon
4500 does not accept this command.)
'HVFULSWLRQ The switch must be set offline before this command is entered.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config switch bbCredit 2
3XUSRVH This command sets the domain RSCN state for the switch. The switch
can be either offline or online when this command is executed.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config switch domainRSCN 1
bbCreditValue Specifies the new buffer-to-buffer credit value.
This parameter must be an integer in the range
domainRSCNState Specifies whether the domain RSCN state is
enabled. Valid values are enable and disable.
Boolean 1 and 0 may be substituted as values.