P/N 620-000134-500 McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL
format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), or a domain name (as administered on a
customer network).
node In Fibre Channel terminology, node refers to an end device (server or
storage device) that is or can be connected to a switched fabric.
node port Physical interface within an end device which can connect to an
F_Port on a switched fabric or directly to another N_Port (in
point-to-point communications).
Ooffline sequence The sequence sent by the transmitting port to indicate that it is offline.
OLS See offline sequence.
operating state
(director) The operating states are described as follows:
Online - when the director is set online, an attached device can
log in to the director if the port is not blocked. Attached devices
can communicate with each other if they are configured in the
same zone.
Offline - when the director is set offline, all ports are set offline.
The director transmits the offline sequence (OLS) to attached
devices, and the devices cannot log in to the director.
operating state (port) Valid states are:
•Online, offline, or testing.
•Invalid attachment.
•Link incident or link reset.
•No light, not operational, or port failure.
•Segmented E_Port.
optical fiber
connector Hardware component that transfers optical power between two
optical fibers or bundles and is designed to be repeatedly connected
and disconnected.