Logging In and Logging Out
/RJJLQJ,QDQG/RJJLQJ2XWThe CLI allows a single Telnet client to be connected to the switch. If a
Telnet client logs out, or if after 15 minutes of inactivity the client’s
access times out, another Telnet client may log in. Also note that the
Telnet client (user) must log in any time the director or switch is
restarted because the current user’s access is lost. Examples of a
restart include an IPL and any power-off situation.
8VHU$FFHVV5LJKWV The CLI supports two user access rights: administrator and operator.
A user who logs in with administrator access rights can use all of the
commands described in this publication. However, operator access
rights grant permission to use only the perf and show branches of the
CLI command tree (for example, the perf.traffic and show.system
commands), as well as the globally available commands (login,
logout, and commaDelim).
6\QWD[ login
3XUSRVH This command allows a Telnet client to connect to the switch.
'HVFULSWLRQ This command allows the user to log in with either administrator or
operator access rights. The default passwords are password.
The login command is called automatically by the CLI each time a
new Telnet session is activated, as well as each time new
administrator access rights are configured.
After the login command is issued, the Username: prompt
automatically displays. After a valid user name is entered, the
Password: prompt automatically displays. After the corresponding
valid password is entered, the Root> prompt displays. At this
prompt the user may enter any of the commands included in
Tabl e 1-2, CLI Command Tree, on page 1-5.
A user name and password can be set by the administrator through
the config.security.userRights.administrator command or through the
config.security.userRights.operator command.