2CLI Commands
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-300
FRQILJ]RQLQJNote that the config.zoning commands function in a different way
from most CLI commands, which are single action commands that
take effect immediately. A zoning configuration is typically too
complicated to be described by a single command, so the first zoning
command entered invokes a work-area editor. The commands take
effect on a temporary copy of a zone set in the work area until the
temporary copy in the work area is activated to the fabric--or is
Because not all the verification of the zone set can occur on the
temporary copy in the work area, it is possible, however unlikely, that
the copy of the zone set encounters no errors until the zone set is
activated to the fabric.
Port numbers cannot be used for zone members if the interoperability mode
for the switch or director is set to Open Fabric 1.0 mode. In this case, you
must use node WWNs as zone members.
FRQILJ]RQLQJVHW'HI=RQH6WDWH6\QWD[ setDefZoneState defaultZoneState
3XUSRVH This command enables or disables the default zone and takes effect
immediately fabric wide.
'HVFULSWLRQ This command takes effect immediately in the fabric.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOHV Root> config zoning setDefZoneState false
Root> config zoning setDefZoneState 0
defaultZoneState Specifies whether the default zone is enabled.
Valid values are true and false. Boolean 1 and 0
may be substituted as values.