CLI Commands
FRQILJ]RQLQJDGG=RQH6\QWD[ addZone “zoneName”
3XUSRVH This command adds a new (empty) zone to the zone set in the work
'HVFULSWLRQ Changes are not activated on the switch until the
config.zoning.activateZoneSet command is issued. The CLI supports
the number of zones per zone set specified for a given product.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config zoning addZone TheUltimateZone
FRQILJ]RQLQJGHOHWH=RQH6\QWD[ deleteZone “zoneName”
3XUSRVH This command deletes a zone from the zone set in the work area.
'HVFULSWLRQ Changes are not activated on the switch until the
config.zoning.activeZoneSet command is issued.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config zoning deleteZone TheLeastUltimateZone
zoneName Specifies the name of the new zone. The
zoneName must contain 1–64 characters. Valid
characters are:
Spaces are not permitted, and the first character
must be alphabetical.
zoneName Specifies the name of the zone to be deleted.