McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500
management Transmission of management information using frequencies or
channels other than those routinely used for information transfer.
Ppassword Unique string of characters known to the computer system and to a
user who must specify it to gain full or limited access to a system and
to the information stored within it.
path In a network, any route between any two ports.
port Receptacle on a device to which a cable leading to another device can
be attached.
port card Field-replaceable hardware component that provides the port
connections for fiber cables and performs specific device-dependent
logic functions.
port name Name that the user assigns to a particular port through the Product
preferred domain ID Domain ID that a switch is assigned by the principal switch in a
switched fabric. The preferred domain ID becomes the active domain
ID except when configured otherwise by the user.
principal switch In a multiswitch fabric, the switch that allocates domain IDs to itself
and to all other switches in the fabric. There is always one principal
switch in a fabric. If a switch is not connected to any other switches, it
acts as its own principal switch.
Product Manager The EFCM application that implements the management user
interface for the director or switch.
RR_A_TOV See resource allocation time out value.
redundancy Performance characteristic of a system or product whose integral
components are backed up by identical components to which