CLI Commands
This command takes effect immediately. The CLI verifies the list before
activating it to the fabric and adds the managed switch to the list if it is not
already present.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has no parameters.
Root> config security fabricBinding activatePending
6\QWD[ addMember wwn domainId
3XUSRVH This command adds a new member to the Fabric Member List in the
pending fabric binding work area. The number of entries is limited to
the maximum available domain ID’s for the fabric (31).
Changes from this command are not activated to the fabric until the
activatePending command is issued.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has two parameters:
Root> config security fabricBinding addMember
AA:99:23:23:08:14:88:C1 2
wwn Specifies the world wide name (WWN) of the
member to be added to the fabric membership
list. The value of the WWN must be in
colon-delimited hexadecimal notation (for
example, AA:00:AA:00:AA:00:AA:00).
domainId The domain ID of the member to be added to
the fabric membership list. Valid domain ID’s
range from 1 to 31.