Entering Command Line Interface Commands
(QWHULQJ&RPPDQG/LQH,QWHUIDFH&RPPDQGVThe CLI commands can be entered directly at the command line of a
terminal or coded in a script.
Note that the CLI commands are not case sensitive.
Throughout this publication, periods are used to separate the
components of a command name. However, the periods cannot be
included when the command is actually entered at the terminal or
coded in a script. (How to enter the commands is explained in
Navigation of the CLI Command Tree on page1-8.)
Even though the commands cannot be entered with the periods, the
command line prompts do include the periods.
Basic command line navigation conventions are supported. The
following table includes the asynchronous commands that are
recognized by the CLI.
Table 1-1 CLI Command Tree Navigation Conventions
Character Sequence Common Name Action or Description
<CR> Carriage Return Pass a completed line to the
<DEL> Delete Backspace one character
and delete the character.
<NL> New Line Pass a completed line to the
<SP> Space Used to separate keywords.
# Pound Sign Used to designate
comments in a script.
? Question Mark Provide help information.
“ Quotation Mark Used to surround a single
^A Control-A Position the cursor to the
start of the line.