CLI Commands
PDLQWThe maint branch of the CLI command tree contains commands that
relate to maintenance activities.
The commands in the maint branch can be used only by the
Note that the maint.system.resetConfig command resets all
configuration data and non-volatile settings, including network
information, to their default values (factory settings). Management
access may be lost until the network information is restored.
6\QWD[ beacon portNumber beaconState
3XUSRVH This command enables or disables port beaconing for a port.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has two required parameters.
&RPPDQG([DPSOHV Root> maint port beacon 4 false
Root> maint port beacon 4 0
portNumber Specifies the port number. Valid values are:
0–15 for the Sphereon 3016 and 3216
0–23 for the Sphereon 4500
0–31 for the Sphereon 3032 and 3232
0–63 for the Intrepid 6064
0–127 and 132–144 for the Intrepid 6140
beaconState Specifies whether unit beaconing is enabled.
Valid values are true and false. Boolean 1 and 0
may be substituted as values.