CLI Commands
6\QWD[ priority switchPriority
3XUSRVH This command sets the switch priority.
'HVFULSWLRQ The switch must be set offline before this command is entered.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config switch priority principal
switchPriority Specifies the switch priority. Valid values are:
principal, default, or neverprincipal.
principal sets the numerical switch priority
to 1. The switch with a priority of 1 becomes the
principal switch; however, if two or more
switches have a priority of 1, the switch with
the lowest WWN becomes the principal switch.
default sets the numerical switch priority
to 254. If no switch is set to principal, the switch
with a priority 254 becomes the principal
switch; however, if two or more switches have a
priority of 254, the switch with the lowest
WWN becomes the principal switch.
neverprincipal sets the numerical switch
priority to 255. This switch is not able to become
the principal switch.
At least one switch in a multiswitch fabric must
have a switch priority value of principal or
The number codes 2253 are not now in use.