CLI Commands
FRQILJVZLWFKSULRULW\6\QWD[ priority switchPriority
3XUSRVH This command sets the switch priority.
'HVFULSWLRQ The switch must be set offline before this command is entered.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config switch priority principal
switchPriority Specifies the switch priority. Valid values are:
principal, default, or neverprincipal.
principal — sets the numerical switch priority
to 1. The switch with a priority of 1 becomes the
principal switch; however, if two or more
switches have a priority of 1, the switch with
the lowest WWN becomes the principal switch.
default — sets the numerical switch priority
to 254. If no switch is set to principal, the switch
with a priority 254 becomes the principal
switch; however, if two or more switches have a
priority of 254, the switch with the lowest
WWN becomes the principal switch.
neverprincipal — sets the numerical switch
priority to 255. This switch is not able to become
the principal switch.
At least one switch in a multiswitch fabric must
have a switch priority value of principal or
The number codes 2–253 are not now in use.