McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500
deleting 2-51
port statistics, resetting 2-62
port status 2-79
port technology information 2-82
port traffic counters 2-65
bbCredit 2-32
error counters 2-62
extended distance state 2-8
link counters 2-64
name 2-10
port beaconing 2-55
port binding state 2-20
port configuration 2-75
port information 2-76
port nodes 2-77
port statistics 2-62
port technology information 2-82
resetting 2-56
speed 2-11
statistics, clearing 2-62
status 2-79
traffic counters 2-65
type 2-12
WWN, binding 2-21
pound sign 1-16
preferred domain ID 2-34
principal switch 2-35
priority, of switches 2-35
product managers
enabling Telnet 1-18
McDATA products, ordering xiii
related x
updates x
Qquotation marks, for spaces 1-10
quotation marks, in strings 1-10
Rr_a_tov 2-36
registered trademarks xiii
related documentation x
rerouting delay 2-37
root, transitioning through 1-8
root> prompt 1-8
SSANpilot 1-2
Enterprise Fabric Mode 2-3
scripting environments 1-2
scripts, commenting 1-16
segmented E_port state reasons 2-80
service, technical support xii
setting online or offline 2-58
show commands
active zoning configuration 2-54
configuration for port 2-13
ethernet attributes 2-70
event log 2-67
fabric binding 2-83
features 2-5
features list 2-68
FRU information 2-69
order of output 1-8
pending zoning configuration 2-53
port binding for all ports 2-84
port binding for port 2-22
port configuration 2-75
port information 2-76
port nodes 2-77
port status 2-79
port technology information 2-82
show branch 2-67
SNMP configuration 2-31
switch attributes 2-86
switch binding 2-85
switch configuration 2-39
system attributes 2-88
system configuration 2-43
user access rights 2-28
zoning configuration 2-89
SNMP authorization traps 2-30
SNMP community
adding 2-29
deleting 2-30
Solution Center xii
spaces, quotation marks required 1-10
speeds, port 2-11
speeds, switches 2-38
statistics, port, clearing 2-62