CLI Commands
6\QWD[ addMember wwn
3XUSRVH This command adds a new member to the Switch Membership List.
A maximum number of 256 members may be added to the switch
membership list.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter:
Root> config security switchBinding addMember
6\QWD[ deleteMember wwn
3XUSRVH This command removes a member from the Switch Member List. The
user cannot remove a member that is currently logged into the
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter:
Root> config security switchBinding deleteMember
wwn Specifies the switch or N-Port device WWN of
the member to be added to the switch
membership list. The value of the WWN must
be in colon-delimited hexadecimal notation (for
example, AA:00:AA:00:AA:00:AA:00).
wwn Specifies the switch or N-Port device WWN of
the member to be removed from the switch
membership list. The value of the WWN must
be in colon-delimited hexadecimal notation (for
example, AA:00:AA:00:AA:00:AA:00). The user
may also enter all for this argument to clear the
switch membership list completely. Note that
the user cannot clear a WWN that is currently
logged into the switch.