CLI Commands
3XUSRVH This command shows the switch configuration.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has no parameters.
'HVFULSWLRQ The switch can be either offline or online when this command is
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config switch show
2XWSXW The switch configuration data is displayed as a table that includes the
following properties.
BB Credit The maximum number of outstanding frames
that can be transmitted without causing a buffer
overrun condition at the receiver. (This is not
valid for the Sphereon 4500.)
R_A_TOV Resource Allocation Time Out Value.
This value is set in tenths of a second.
E_D_TOV Error Detect Time Out Value.
This value is set in tenths of a second.
Domain Id The preferred domain ID of the switch.
Switch Priority The switch priority. Values are Principal,
Default, or Never Principal.
Speed The switch speed. (This is not valid for the
Sphereon 4500.)
Rerouting Delay The rerouting delay that ensures that frames are
delivered in order through the fabric to their
destination. Values are Enabled or Disabled.
Interop Mode Interoperability mode for the switch.