CLI Commands
FRQILJIHDWXUHVHQWHUSULVH)DE0RGH6\QWD[ enterpriseFabMode enterpriseFabModeState
3XUSRVH This command sets the Enterprise Fabric Mode state for the fabric.
The McDATA SANtegrity™ feature key must be installed to activate
the Enterprise Fabric Mode state.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config features enterpriseFabMode 1
3XUSRVH This command sets the enabled state of the FICON Management
Server. The FICON Management Server feature key must be installed
in order to enable the FICON Management Server State. (The
Sphereon 4500 does not accept this command.)
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config features ficonms 1
enterpriseFabModeState Specifies whether enterpriseFabMode is
active. Valid values are activate and
deactivate. Boolean 1 and 0 may be
substituted as values.
ficonmsState Specifies whether the FICON Management
Server is enabled. Valid values are enable and
disable. Boolean 1 and 0 may be substituted as