2CLI Commands
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-300
6\QWD[ clearZone zoneName
3XUSRVH This command clears all zone members for the specified zone in the
work area.
'HVFULSWLRQ This command does not change the zone name.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config zoning clearZone TheNotUltimateAtAllZone
6\QWD[ deleteWwnMem zoneName wwn
3XUSRVH This command removes a WWN member from a zone that is in the
work area.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has two parameters.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config zoning deleteWwnMem TheNotSoUltimateZone
zoneName Specifies the name of the zone to be cleared.
zoneName Specifies the name of the zone that contains the
member to be deleted.
wwn Specifies the WWN of the member to be deleted
from the zone. The value of the WWN must be
in colon-delimited hexadecimal notation (for
example, AA:00:AA:00:AA:00:AA:00).