2CLI Commands
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-300
2XWSXW([DPSOH The output from the perf.class2 command displays as follows.
SHUIFODVV6\QWD[ class3 portNumber
3XUSRVH This command displays port Class 3 counters for a single port.
TxFrames The number of Fibre Channel Class 2 frames
that the port has transmitted.
RxWords The number of Class 2 4-byte words within
frames that the port has received.
TxWords The number of Class 2 4-byte words within
frames that the port has transmitted.
Busied Frms The number of times that FBSY (Fabric Busy
link response) was returned to this port as a
result of a Class 2 frame that could not be
delivered to the other end of the link. This
occurs if either the fabric or the destination port
is temporarily busy.
Rjct Frames The number of times that FRJT (Frame Reject
link response) was returned to this port as the
result of a Class 2 frame that was rejected by the
Port 2 Statistic Wrap Count
----------- ---------- ----------
RxFrames 23 2953184
TxFrames 12 1842953
RxWords 65 2953184
TxWords 32 1842953
Busied Frms 0 2953184
Rjct Frames 0 1842953