Using the Command Line Interface Help
8VLQJWKH&RPPDQG/LQH,QWHUIDFH+HOSThe question mark (?) can be used within a command to obtain
certain information:
•If the question mark is used in place of a command keyword, all
the keywords at that level of the CLI command tree display.
Root> config system ?
Command identified
contact - Set the system contact attribute
date - Set the system date and time
description - Set the system description attribute
location - Set the system location attribute
name - Set the system name attribute
show - Display the system configuration
•If the question mark is used at the end of a recognized command,
any parameters for that command display.
Root> config port name ?
- name <portNumber> <portName>
•If the question mark is used after one or more characters of a
keyword, any keywords at that level of the CLI command tree
Root> config s?
security snmp switch system