CLI Commands
6\QWD[ wwn portNumber boundWwn
3XUSRVH This command configures the single device WWN to which a port is
3DUDPHWHUV This command has two parameters.
portNumber Specified the port number for which the bound
WWN is being set. Valid port number values
015 for the Sphereon 3016 and 3216
023 for the Sphereon 4500
031 for the Sphereon 3032 and 3232
063 for the Intrepid 6064
0127 and 132144 for the Intrepid 6140
boundWwn Specifies the WWN of the device that is being
bound to the specified port. The value must be
entered in colon-delimited hexadecimal
notation (for example, 11:22:33:44:55:66:AA:BB).
If the boundWwn is configured and the
portBindState is:
Activeonly the device described by
boundWwn is able to connect to the specified
Inactivethe WWN is retained, but any device
can connect to the specified port.
Instead of the WWN, either of two values can
be entered in this parameter:
attached automatically configures the currently
attached device WWN as the bound WWN.
remove changes the WWN to the default value,
00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00. Even though this
removes the WWN-port association, if the
portBindingState value set with the command is
still true (the port binding is active), other
devices are prevented from logging in to this
port. To allow other devices to log in to this
port, use the
command to set the portBindingState parameter
to false.