McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500
using 1-2
command tree 1-5
limitations on movements within 1-9
navigation of 1-8
asynchronous 1-3
commaDelim 1-13
config 2-2
ED-5000 1-17
login 1-11
logout 1-12
maint 2-55
perf 2-59
periods in 1-3
show 2-67
commands that take effect immediately 2-14, 2-44
commenting scripts 1-16
config command 2-2
configuration data, resetting 2-55
configuration, resetting 2-58
connection loss, ethernet 1-18
documentation 1-3
navigation 1-3
used in manual xii
counter data 2-59, 2-60
Ddata transfers, disruption of 2-11, 2-38
date and time, system 2-41
default values, resetting 2-58
default zone 2-44
default zone state 2-44
directors, See switches
documentation conventions 1-3
documentation, related x
domain ID, port member
adding 2-49
deleting 2-51
domain RSCN state 2-32
Ee_d_tov 2-33
E_port, setting 2-12
ED-5000 Director 1-17
EFCM 1-2
enabling Telnet 1-18
Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Manager 1-2
enabling Telnet 1-18
Enterprise Fabric Mode
setting 2-3
error counters, port 2-62
error light, system, clearing 2-57
escape character 1-10
ethernet attributes 2-70
ethernet cable, replacing 1-18
ethernet connection, loss of 1-18
event log 2-67
extended distance state, setting for ports 2-8
FF_port, setting 2-12
Fabric Binding
active configuration
show 2-18
pending configuration
activate 2-14
replace 2-17
show 2-19
security 2-14
fabric binding
membership list 2-15, 2-16
show 2-83
state 2-17
fabric membership list
add 2-15
clear 2-16
delete 2-16
factory settings, resetting 2-55, 2-58
Enterprise Fabric Mode 2-3
FICON Management Server 2-3
list 2-68
Open Systems Management Server 2-4
SANtegrity 2-3
show 2-68
feature keys 2-4
resetting 2-58
FICON Management Server 2-3
ficonms 2-3
FRU information 2-69