CLI Commands
FRQILJVQPSDGG&RPPXQLW\6\QWD[ addCommunity commIndex "commName" writeAuthorization
trapRecipient udpPortNum
3XUSRVH This command adds an SNMP community to the SNMP
3DUDPHWHUV This command has five parameters. Up to six community names and
trap recipients may be defined.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config snmp addCommunity 1 "CommunityName1" enabled 162
commIndex Specifies the community to be created or edited.
Valid values are integers in the range 1–6.
commName Specifies the community name of the
community specified by commIndex. The
community name must not exceed 32 characters
in length. Valid characters include all those in
the ISO Latin-1 character set. Duplicate
community names are allowed, but the
corresponding writeAuthorization values must
writeAuthorization Specifies the write authorization state of the
community. Valid values are enabled and
disabled. Boolean 1 and 0 may be substituted as
trapRecipient Specifies the trap recipient. Values must be
4 bytes in dotted-decimal format.
udpPortNum Specifies the user datagram protocol (UDP) port
number to which the director sends traps for
each recipient. The value can be a decimal
number or default. The default value is 162.
Valid values include all legal UDP port