CLI Commands
VKRZThe show branch of the CLI command tree contains commands that
display, but do not change, stored data values. The displayed output
that results from these commands is not necessarily identical with the
output from the show commands that are within the other CLI
command tree branches, for example, config.port.show.
The commands in the show branch can by used by either the
administrator or the operator.
6\QWD[ eventLog
3XUSRVH This command shows the contents of the event log as maintained in
NV-RAM on the director or switch.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has no parameters.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> show eventLog
2XWSXW The event log data are displayed as a table that includes the following
Date/Time The date and time when the event occurred.
Code The event reason code.
Severity The severity of the event. The values are:
Major—Unit operational (major failure).
Minor—Unit operational (minor failure).
Severe—Unit not operational. The causes are
either that the switch contains no operational
SBAR cards or that the system shuts down due
to CTP thermal threshold violations.
Info—Unit operational (information only).
FRU The FRU and FRU position, where applicable.
Event Data The 32-byte hexadecimal description of the
event in words.