CLI Commands
2XWSXW The port error counter data is displayed as a table that includes the
following statistics.
2XWSXW([DPSOH The output from the perf.errors command displays as follows.
Port 2
Statistic Count
----------- ----------
Prim Seq Err 753452
Disc Frms 351269
Inv Tx Wrds 2953184
CRC Errs 1842953
Delim Errs 2953184
Addr Id Errs 1842953
Port The port number.
Prim Seq Err The number of state machine protocol errors
detected by the port hardware.
Disc Frms The number of received frames discarded due
to a frame size of less than size words or to
frames dropped because the BB credit was zero.
This number is counted during the first round
of frame verification and applies to both Class 2
and Class 3 traffic.
Inv Tx Wrds The number of 10-bit transmission words that
the port is unable to map to 8-bit bytes because
of disparity errors or misaligned K characters
while in the OL2 or OL3 state.
CRC Errs The number of frame CRC errors detected by
the port.
Delim Errs The number of invalid frame delimiters (SOF or
EOF) received by the port.
Addr Id Errs The number of frames received with unknown