2CLI Commands
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-300
2XWSXW([DPSOH The output from the config.port.show command displays as follows.
Port Number: 4
Name: Sam’s tape drive
Blocked: false
Extended distance: false
Type: F Port
Speed: 2 Gb/sec
FRQILJVHFXULW\IDEULF%LQGLQJNote that the config.security.fabricBinding commands function in a
different way from most CLI commands, which are single action
commands that take effect immediately. The first Fabric Binding
command entered invokes a work-area editor. The commands take
effect on a temporary copy of a Fabric Member List in the work area
until the temporary copy in the work area is activated to the fabric--or
is discarded.
Because not all the verification of the Fabric Member List can occur
on the temporary copy in the work area, it is possible, however
unlikely, that the copy of the list encounters no errors until the list is
activated to the fabric.
6\QWD[ activatePending
3XUSRVH This command activates the fabric binding configuration contained in
the pending work area to the fabric.
Type The port type. Valid values are:
•Fx Port (Sphereon 4500 only)
•Gx Port (Sphereon 4500 only)
Speed The port speed. Valid values are 1Gb/sec,
2Gb/sec, and Negotiate.