This chapter provides information on handling, selecting, and stor ing media. Refe r to the
Maintenance Guide for media specifications.
Media Handling
Before purchasing a large quantity or special media, do a tria l printing with the same
media and check pr int qualit y. Check with our web site www. minolta -qms.co m for a lis t of
current approved media.
Do not use the media types listed below. T hese cou ld cause poor pr int quality, media
jams, or damage to the printer.
Do not use media that is Do not use label s that have
Not approved Label(s) already peel ed off
Meant for ink jet printers Labels that peel off e asily
Folded, embo ssed, warped, or wri nkled Glue or seal er that might come off
Perforated or prepunched
Too slick, too coarse Do not use envelopes that have
Coated wi th a pro cessed s urf ace ( such as car bon
paper, heat-sensitive paper, heat-pressur e paper) Metal cla sps, fasten ers, transparent windows,
peel-off st rips for sea li ng
Composed of foil or gilt Sticky flaps
Irregularly shaped (not rectangular); not uniform
in size
Bound with gl ue, tape, or paper clips
Attached to ri bbons, hooks, bu tt ons, etc.
Made of mater ial that will melt, vaporize, offset
discol or, or emit dangerous fumes