Muratec F-120 Programming a batch transmission, Polling File No, Delayed, Select Program No, 2.42

Models: F-150 F-100 F-120

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Beyond the basics

6 Now, while you still can see the fax number on the LCD, press

COMMUNICATION OPTIONS four times and then press ENTER. The LCD shows:


File No. _

If performing regular (not database) polling, press ENTER and skip to step 8.

7 Use the numeric keypad to enter the one- or two-digit identifier for each database file you want to poll. You can specify up to 10 files; between the entry of each new file, press COMMUNICATION OPTIONS to insert a comma but do not insert a comma after the last file number.

For example, here, we’ve entered 2, 6, COMMUNICATION OPTIONS, 2, 7,


preparation for another file number):


Note: The LCD shows only seven characters of the file numbers.

Important: Again, do not insert a comma after the last file number.

When finished, press ENTER.

8 If you want the polling to begin immediately every time you press the key, press ENTER and skip to step 11.

If you want to delay the polling (perhaps to take advantage of lower phone


9 There’s a choice to make. Instruct your fax to carry out this delayed command in one of the following ways:

Option 1: Perform the command once at a certain time on a certain day of the month. (For example, “Do this at 5:05 PM on the 30th.”)

To select this option, use the numeric keypad to enter the date and time when the fax should perform the command:


Option 2: Perform the command at a certain time each day you press the key. (For example, “Do this at 5:05 PM today.”)

To select this option, use the numeric keypad to enter 0, 0 (i. e., 00), and then the time when the fax could perform the command:



11 The LCD now displays the next programmable one-touch key.

If you do not wish to enter or change any other key’s programming, press STOP to return your machine to its usual standby mode.

If you do wish to enter or change this key’s programming, go back to step 3. If you wish to enter or change another key’s programming, go back to step 2.

Programming a batch transmission

Note: To erase a programmable one-touch key, refer to page 2.43.

Note: For this operation to work, two things must be true:

The batch box you’re using must exist on your fax machine.

You must know the batch box’s one-digit identifier number (1–5).

To program a batch transmission into a programmable one-touch key:

1 Press Programming a batch transmission /PROGRAM, C, 1, ENTER. The LCD either shows:

Select Program No.

… or indicates a command already is programmed into this key.

Note: To program a key into which a command other than batch transmis- sion has already been programmed, you first erase the key (see page 2.43). Then, return to these instructions and select that key.

If a batch transmission is already programmed into this key, you can change the batch box number, in step 6. (But you can’t change the key to another kind of command. To do that, you must first erase the key and then program that key as described elsewhere in this section.)

If P01 is the key you want to program, skip to step 3. (However, our examples from here will say P07” rather than P01.”)

2 Select the key in which you want to program a command or change a previ- ously stored command — if necessary, turn the fliptab to see it, as described earlier — and then press it. Here, we’ve selected P07.

Select Program No.

3 If you change your mind and wish to select a different programmable one- touch key, go back to step 2 before going on to step 4.


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Muratec F-120, F-150, F-100 manual Programming a batch transmission, Polling File No, Delayed, Select Program No, 2.42