Chapter 4: Installation
Scale Address for IBM
Most IBM systems have software called Integrated Scanner/Scale that permits a
Some older 468x systems require a
•If the card was in slot 2A, program the NCR 7870 scale address to 6A and plug the NCR 7870 Interface Cable into port 17.
•If the card was in slot 2B, program the NCR 7870 scale address to 6B and plug the NCR 7870 Interface Cable into port 17.
•If other ports beside port 21 are used on the "B" or "C" card and the other card slot is empty (2A or 2B), you can still use this procedure but the terminal configuration must be changed to define that there is a card in the empty slot and that its port 21 is connected to a scale. Program the scale to the empty slot address (2A = 6A,
2B = 6B). The existing card port 21 must be configured as not used and must not be removed from the terminal.
•If both card slots are used on the terminal, the terminal software must be a version that can be configured to support an integrated scanner/scale. This may require upgrading the software.