8-4 Upgrading Your Modular Server


Confirm the following after installing an option and removing a component:

„Installing removed components exactly as they were

Install the components and cables, which were removed and disconnected for addition of an option, exactly as they were. Assembling without a component being installed or a cable being disconnected causes the equipment to malfunction.

„Confirming that no parts such as screws are left in the chassis

Confirm that conductive parts such as screws are not left in the chassis. Turning on the power with a conductive part on the mother board or cable terminal causes the equipment to malfunction.

„Confirming the cooling effect in the equipment

Confirm that the ventilating holes are not covered with an internally connected cable. Insufficient cooling effect raises the internal temperature, which causes the equipment to malfunction.

„Confirming operation with a tool

Some additional devices require the diagnostic utility or BIOS SETUP utility to check if they are installed correctly. For details, see the procedure for additionally installing the target device.