GS700TP Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
The SNMPv1/v2 menu contains the following options:
•“Community Configuration”
•“Trap Configuration”
Community Configuration
Access rights are managed by defining communities in the Community Configuration screen. When community names are changed, access rights are also modified.
To configure SNMP communities:
1.Click System > SNMP > SNMPv1/v2 > Community Configuration. The Community Configuration screen displays:
The Community Configuration screen contains the following fields:
•Management Station – Enter the management station IP address for which the Basic SNMP community is defined.
•Community String – Enter the password used to authenticate the management station to the device.
•Access Mode – Select the access rights of the community. The possible field values are:
–Read Only – Management access is restricted to
–Read Write – Management access is
–SNMP Admin – User has access to all device configuration options, as well as permissions to modify the community.
Managing System Settings |
v1.0, December 2007