54Platform software installation
Configuring a system for individual accounts
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1During the Linux operating system installation process, the system displays the following prompt:
Would you like to create
2Reply N to create an individual account. (If you reply Y to this prompt, the system configures preconfigured accounts.)
The installer displays the SSA (System Security Administrator) account configuration screen.
3Enter a name for the SSA account. Ensure the name meets the requirements displayed
The installer displays the account method confirmation screen.
4Do one of the following:
Reply Y to accept the account method confirmation.
Reply N to go back to the User Accounts screen and change selections.
After the account confirmation is accepted, the installer displays the prompt to create the password for the SSA account. The password limitations and requirements appear
5Enter a password for the SSA account. Ensure the password meets the requirements displayed
The installer displays the system accounts configuration screen.
6Create passwords for each system account as prompted for by the installer.
The installer displays the following message:
System Configuration Complete
7Press Enter to accept the configuration.
The installer applies the system configurations. This may take several minutes.
After the configuration has been applied, the server reboots. Login access is available at the physical console, through
8If applicable, install platform patches.
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008