96Maintenance Releases
Attention: The time it takes to patch the Oracle Database varies from patch to patch. It can take anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour.
•You must have SSA (nysysadm) permissions.
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1Load the CD containing the Oracle patch into the
2Log on as the SSA role (ntsysadm).
3Change user permissions: su - root
4Copy the installation files:
The patch files are copied from the CD to the following local directory:
5Change directory:
cd /var/mcp/db/install
6Extract the patch files: tar xvf patches.tar
7Change directory: cd patches
8Verify the current working directory: pwd
Confirm the working directory is as follows: var/mcp/db/install/patches
9Run the patch installation script:
Note: The following two errors can be observed during the application of the patch.
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008