MCP core software load Maintenance Release installation 89
sudo ./mcpCopyFromESD.pl -m manifest-online
8Copy the ASU files.
sudo ./mcpCopyFromESD.pl -m manifest-asu-pc
9Remove the ISO image file from the file system. rm /var/mcp/esd_files/<filename>
10Delete older MCP loads.
Nortel recommends to only keep the current MCP software load and the load that the system will be upgraded to in the /var/mcp/loads directory to free up disk space.
cd /var/mcp/loads
rm –Rf <old_load_directory>
Attention: Use extreme caution when using rm
11Repeat this procedure for the secondary System Manager.
Upgrading the database schemas and System Manager
You can upgrade the System Manager without causing a service outage to users, but all active MCP System Management Consoles are shut down during the upgrade process.
•The new MR load.zip file is in the /var/mcp/loads directory.
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1Log on to the primary System Manager as the AA role (ntappadm) using SSH.
2Change directory:
cd /var/mcp/install
3Run the Maintenance Release upgrade script:
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008