MCP core software load Maintenance Release installation 89

sudo ./ -m manifest-online

8Copy the ASU files.

sudo ./ -m manifest-asu-pc

9Remove the ISO image file from the file system. rm /var/mcp/esd_files/<filename>

10Delete older MCP loads.

Nortel recommends to only keep the current MCP software load and the load that the system will be upgraded to in the /var/mcp/loads directory to free up disk space.

cd /var/mcp/loads

rm –Rf <old_load_directory>

Attention: Use extreme caution when using rm -Rf commands. Entering a typo can cause an entire file system to be removed without confirmation if you have the proper user privileges. For example, entering a command such as rm -Rf / mcp/loads (with an extra space after the first forward slash) can remove the entire directory tree.

11Repeat this procedure for the secondary System Manager.


Upgrading the database schemas and System Manager

You can upgrade the System Manager without causing a service outage to users, but all active MCP System Management Consoles are shut down during the upgrade process.


The new MR file is in the /var/mcp/loads directory.

Procedure Steps

Step Action

1Log on to the primary System Manager as the AA role (ntappadm) using SSH.

2Change directory:

cd /var/mcp/install

3Run the Maintenance Release upgrade script:

Application Server 5300

Nortel AS 5300 Installation

NN42040-300 01.04

4 November 2008

Copyright © 2007-2008 Nortel Networks

Page 89
Image 89
Nortel Networks 53r 5300 00 Upgrading the database schemas and System Manager, Sudo ./ -m manifest-online