Multimedia PC Client upgrade 109
Multimedia PC Client upgrade
This section provides the procedures that you use to upgrade the
Multimedia PC Client. Choose one of the following methods:
•"Upgrading the ASU load" (page 109)
•"Upgrading the Multimedia PC Client installer executable" (page 110)
Upgrading the ASU load
Use this procedure to upgrade the Automatic Software Update (ASU) load.
Attention: If a user is in the process of upgrading the Multimedia PC Client when you delete the files, the upgrade fails. The end user can still make calls using their Multimedia PC Client. After you add the new files, the user can upgrade the Multimedia PC Client.
•You are an AA (ntapadm).
•A Provisioning Manager server is available.
•The ASU files are already stored in a location on the Provisioning Manager server.
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1Log on to the server that hosts the Provisioning Manager and Personal Agent as an AA (ntappadm).
2Change to the ASU directory:
cd /var/mcp/run/MCP_11.0/PROV1_0/tomcat/webapps/ pca/asu
3Download the latest PCC files MMPCClient(6.1.XXX_200ymmdd )_Release.zip and MMPCClient(6.1.XXX_200ymmdd)_Release.j nlp files from the ebuild server.
4Move the <PCCLient>.zip file to the pcclientcode directory: mv <PCClient>.zip ../pcclientcode
5Rename the <PCClient>.jnlp file:
mv <PCClient>.jnlp smcclient.jnlp
6Change file permissions for sncclient.jnlp: chmod 755 smcclient.jnlp
7Change to the pcclientcode directory:
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008