AS 5300 initial software deployment 69
The system displays a list of loads and prompts for a load selection.
3Select the load for installation.
The system displays a list of staging files and prompts for user selection:
Please enter number [1 to 10] of selection:
4From the list of staging files, enter the number of the staging file to use.
Attention: Select either StagingFedPBX2Server or StagingFedPBX4Server for AS 5300 deployments.
5Change directory:
cd var/mcp/install
6Run the script to populate the installProps file:
7Enter the information as prompted.
Attention: Select X3550_Micro (small) or X3550_Standard (medium) configuration for AS 5300.
An "Installprops.txt Updated Successfully" message appears.
8Run the script to populate the tags file:
Attention: Select either StagingFedPBX4Server.tags or StagingFedPBX2Server.tags for AS 5300.
A "StagingFedPBX<x> Server.tags" success message appears.
9Enter the information as prompted.
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008