Applying the Linux Maintenance Release 93
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1Load the CD containing the MCP Core Linux platform Maintenance Release into the
2Log on to the System Manager as the ntsysgrp role (ntsysadm) using SSH.
3Change to root user: su -
4Change directory:
cd /var/mcp/os/install/images
(The patching script creates this directory. Therefore, this directory will not exist on systems that have not been patched.)
5Delete existing files: rm
6Copy the installation files from the CD: mcpCopyFromCD.pl
The following files are copied:
File | Description |
mcp_core_linux_*.iso | Container for the installation files used for the platform |
| patching. Platform patch image files are cumulative; |
| they contain all previously released patches. |
mcp_core_linux_*.relnotes.txt | Release notes containing a description of the patch |
| files, how to apply them, and the release level to which |
| the system is updated. |
mcp_core_linux_*.iso.md5sum.txt | Checksum file provided for patch file integrity validation. |
7Exit the SSH session for users with ntsysgrp and ntappgrp roles and remove the CD from the
Attention: If you are applying a platform patch to a server with only the platform OS installed, skip steps 8 through 13.
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008