88Maintenance Releases

rm –Rf <old_load_directory>

Attention: Use extreme caution when using rm -Rf commands. Entering a typo can cause an entire file system to be removed without confirmation if you have the proper user privileges. For example, entering a command such as rm -Rf / mcp/loads (with an extra space after the first forward slash) can remove the entire directory tree.

7Exit from the SSH sessions for the SSA role (ntsysadm) and AA role (ntappadm) using Exit.

8Remove the CD-ROM from CD tray.


Transferring Maintenance Release files to System Manager from Electronic Software Delivery (ESD)

Procedure Steps

Step Action

1If it does not already exist, create the /var/mcp/esd_files directory on the System Manager server.

Log on to the System Manager server as the AA role (ntappadm).

Check for the directory: ls /var/mcp/esd_files

If the directory does not exist, create it: mkdir /var/mcp/esd_files

2Change directory:

cd /var/mcp/esd_files

3Use an FTP client to securely transfer the ESD file to the System Manager server.

4Log on to the System Manager as the AA role (ntappadm) using SSH.

5Change directory:

cd /usr/local/bin

6Extract and copy the contents of the ESD file. sudo ./mcpCopyFromESD.pl

7Copy the online Help files.

Application Server 5300

Nortel AS 5300 Installation

NN42040-300 01.04

4 November 2008

Copyright © 2007-2008 Nortel Networks

Page 88
Image 88
Nortel Networks 53r 5300 00 manual Rm -Rf oldloaddirectory, Cd /var/mcp/esdfiles